One of the most diverse countries in Africa, South Sudan, was also host to the continent’s longest civil war – a war which lasted 20 years. Though the war officially ended in 2011, guerrilla warfare continues and the country’s economy is in tatters.
People are struggling to heal.
But AE has stepped in, offering peace and reconciliation workshops, and slowly establishing roots in the fledgling country.
Earlier this month, AE Kenya’s Team Leader and Social Action Coordinator visited the capital city, Juba, to encourage local partners and check on the work.
“Food, fuel other basic are in short supply in Juba,” said Williams Muchiri, AE Kenya’s Social Action Coordinator, “but we are seeing improvements through our work.”
AE visited homesteads, where families are growing their own sorghum. They met with a small, local AE board in Juba, discussed partnership options with a team of South Sudanese youth leaders, and chatted with the Juba City Council Speaker.
The Speaker said that AE’s workshops on peace and reconciliation earlier this year have boosted the skills of his city council staff.
“He expressed his commitment and interest in continuing to partner with AE,” said Williams, “to enhance service delivery to the city of Juba by particularly strengthen and enhance their governance capacity as a council.”
We appreciate your prayers and support as AE continues to strengthen its friendship and partnership with Juba.
We bring the Gospel of peace to a country that has only known war.