Going on mission in Africa is a complex and very challenging task in a third world environment. Our mission at AE is to break through with the message that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. This mission stands in stark contrast to a worldview in which money, power and survival are king over many lives. The saving, transformative power of Jesus will enable non-Christian Africans to get back in control of their lives, with God in the driver’s seat.
People stuck in poverty often feel sheer desperation, which can lead them to make poor life choices. We need to be there – to give them an opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. If they do not have this hope in Christ, where can they truly find rest? In some respects, it’s a similar situation to those most vulnerable in Australian society. Our media is saturated with self-centered messages about material wealth, which leaves many feeling their only choice is to turn to a foolish pathway. In anger and pain, these people often turn to drugs, prostitution and crime or waste time with false spiritual beliefs that lead nowhere or simply harm others.
One of the main differences between our Australian society and Africa, is that in Africa many more people truly have nothing. They are constantly looking for a way out, as you might expect. Many governments provide very little in assistance for those in need, neglecting even the most basic needs including water, sanitation and public transport. People are heavily influenced by prosperity doctrine, radical Islam, witchcraft and Christianity. They need to know the difference between right and wrong pathways.
So, when African Enterprise goes into the cities of Africa on mission, we go in partnership with local African churches who understand the needs of the people in that city, who can care for their communities, in Christ. We also provide a way out through social action programmes, such as the Ghana Street Children Apprenticeship programme.
Please take a moment to pray that we will all stand strong against the schemes of evil, that we will rejoice in the good news of Jesus and protect and enshrine God’s place in our society today. Rejoice in the love of Jesus and remember that we should also be conscious of the body of Christ around the world. African Enterprise has a an African focus because we have been called to witness there. Whether you choose to support mission in Australia or overseas, please take a moment to thank God for Jesus and to pray for those of us whose lives are fully dedicated to the Great Commission.
Article provided by AE Australia Executive Director, Ben Campbell.