For over 56 years, AE has been committed to a vision:
To evangelise the cities of Africa through word and deed in partnership with the Church.
AE Founder, Michael Cassidy began this vision, and by God’s grace we have seen AE go from strength to strength, expanding into 10 field office locations and transforming millions of lives. In Australia in 2018 we are celebrating 40 years of AE Ministry!
Thank you for your support.
We’ve produced a video to celebrate our history, and to inspire you to look towards the future. It’s for you to share with your church, bible study group friends, and anyone you know with a passion for Africa.
There are projects to encourage and motivate everyone! If you’d like a copy on USB to show at your event, please contact the office at or call (02) 9899 1799.
AE CEO & International Team Leader Stephen Mbogo, who presents the vision video, is coming out to Australia to speak this year, from April 29 – May 14. Register your interest here.