African Enterprise is passionate about commissioning Africans to engage in the call of the Great Commission by sharing the truth of Christ with their neighbours near and far. We believe this is key in spreading the Gospel effectively in Africa and beneficial for the African church as a whole.
AE Kenya’s recent Malindi Mission was an example that passion coming to life. During the mission week, AE partnered with over 83 local Malindi Churches and more than 103 churches from across the nation of Kenya and the world. In total, 903 volunteer evangelists hit the streets to minister in Malindi. One such evangelist was Paul Obiero from Nairobi.

As Paul’s college campus closed for the school holidays, his youth pastor approached him and encouraged him to take part in the Malindi Mission. While apprehensive, Paul agreed. He tells us, “This is my first ever mission. I really didn’t know what to expect when I came here and I was a bit nervous to evangelize, but I can tell you for sure that I enjoyed every bit of this experience. It was amazing!”
“I loved being encouraging people that I met and telling them about Christ’s love for them. I remember one day, in particular, I went to minister at the local schools with a group of other young people. I was nervous at first but as I shared the Gospel I gained more and more courage. When I asked for people to make a confession of faith, over 1000 students raised their hands! I’ve never seen anything like that before and I was ecstatic to be a part of it.”
“…As I shared the Gospel I gained more and more courage. When I asked for people to make a confession of faith, over 1000 students raised their hands!”
“It was so beneficial to have local Christians from Malindi ministering alongside us as well. In Nairobi, our Swahili language has a lot of slang and English words. In Malindi, they speak very pure form Swahili which made communication difficult at times. The locals within our teams helped us communicate clearly and the Gospel was furthered much more quickly.”
“I hope that many more Kenyans will take up the challenge of the Great Commission for our country. I will be bringing all my friends with me to minister at the next mission.”
The mission concluded on the 13th of June and African Enterprise passed the work that had been accomplished back to the 83 churches in Malindi. A symbolic key to the city which had been presented to John Shikuku, AE Kenya’s Mission Director, at the beginning of the mission was handed back and he mandated the church leaders and volunteers to continue the work.

Decision cards that had been collected throughout the week were distributed among the churches and the vast work of following up with new believers officially began! It was reported by local pastors that over 100 new believers were present in church on Sunday even without follow up! Praise God!
Because of volunteers like Paul and the other 900+ evangelists who attended the mission, over 93,757 people were reached with the Gospel and 10,126 of those made confessions of faith in Christ! Praise God! Without partners like you, this mission would not have been possible at all.
“…Over 93,757 people were reached with the Gospel and 10,126 of those made confessions of faith in Christ!”
Please continue to pray for the new believers in Malindi and that the churches will be diligent as they follow up with them.
We in AE are so thankful for our partners worldwide who desire to see Christ’s love impact hearts in Africa. Because of you, tens of thousands of people were reached last week alone in Malindi! Together WE CAN make a great impact for the Kingdom of God in Africa.
As the AE mission in Malindi, Kenya continues, thousands of people are being reached with the Gospel. Yesterday, mission teams were sent into the city to minister door to door. The city was divided into nine sections, teams were then released into those sections in order to cover the city with the Gospel.
As one team ministered throughout a neighbourhood, they came across Sarah*
Sarah’s Testimony

Sarah is a Muslim and was raised in a Muslim family. “As I was growing up,” she told us, “I had several Christian friends. They spoke to me often about Jesus and I gradually felt more and more convicted and I needed to give my life to Him like my friends had explained. When I was 16 I gave my life to Jesus and I was so happy about it, but my family disapproved of my decision and that made things difficult for me. I wasn’t able to continue as a Christian.”
“When I was 16 I gave my life to Jesus and I was so happy about it, but my family disapproved…”
As Sarah shared her story with the mission team, they encouraged her in the faith she had once lost and reminded her of Christ’s amazing love for her. She accepted Christ into her heart and has Lord over her life with joy in the presence of the team and they took her details so that she could be connected with a local church for encouragement in her new faith.
Rain Brings Gospel Opportunity

Another ministry team had been assigned to an area where there is a heavy Muslim population. While knocking on doors, a downpour began and the occupants who didn’t want to have anything to do with the Gospel, graciously let the team into their home to avoid being soaked by the rain. The team seized the opportunity to share the Gospel message with the Muslim family while waiting out the rain.
“The team seized the opportunity to share the Gospel message with the Muslim family while waiting out the rain.”
The family did not make a decision for Christ, but the team felt that many good seeds were planted in their hearts. Please pray for this family and the others like them in this neighbourhood!
Simon – Saved from the Brink

“Simon was overwhelmed with the troubles in his life.”
Simon was overwhelmed with the troubles in his life. He had recently been diagnosed as HIV+ and felt that there was no future for him. He had made the decision to end his life. Thankfully he crossed the path of an AE team while they were ministering in his neighbourhood. He shared his story with them and they were able to encourage him and share the Gospel with him. After hearing about the grace that God extends to His children, Simon decided to give his life to Christ! His joy was clear and the team has put him in contact with a local church so that he can be encouraged in his new journey as a Christian.
Leader’s Dinner
In the evening, the mission turned its focus to the community leaders by hosting a Leader’s Dinner at a local hotel. Over 80 leaders attended and heard Rev. John Wesley, AE Kenya Board Chair, speak on the importance of good character and integrity as a leader. He challenged them to live a life that glorifies God and cares for those in need. The evening ended by asking the leaders to accept Christ’s leadership over their own lives.
The mission continues through this week and we’re excited to see what else God does in this city!
So far, 19,633 people have been reached with the Gospel and 2,939 of those have made confessions of faith.
“So far, 19,633 people have been reached with the Gospel and 2,939 of those have made confessions of faith.”
Please continue to pray for these local missionaries who are dedicated to sharing the Gospel amongst their own city. Please also thank God for those volunteers who have traveled to Malindi from the various parts of Kenya and beyond! We are thankful for those Christians in Africa who are dedicated to reaching their own countrymen with the Gospel.
Stay tuned for more Malindi updates!
*Names changed for protection to the individual
African Enterprise city wide missions for 2017 have begun!
The ‘Malindi for Jesus’ mission is reaching a predominantly Muslim region of coastal Kenya right now.
Eleven days of mission are running from 1st – 11th June.
After a preparation period of over a year, AE Kenya is ready. The church leaders and Christians in Malindi have begun the intense proclamation period that is the centerpiece of AE Stratified Evangelism. In preparation, church leaders and volunteers attended PTC (Preliminary Theological Certificate) courses, as well as church and committee meetings in order to be ready for the mission. Right now, around 800 local Christians and mission volunteers from Kenya and other African countries are proclaiming the message of Jesus to their communities.
Participants have to be particularly aware of cross cultural differences while on mission. They were trained on navigating the local culture before being sent out.
On Saturday, volunteers gathered to register and be commissioned for mission by a local Malindi pastor. He encouraged them to be diligent and humble in their ministry, sending out the mission volunteers with these words from 2 Corinthians 4:5:
“For what we proclaim is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
Sunday brought the real start to mission work, with the customary city cleaning project. AE city wide missions commence with street cleaning. It helps people in the city to understand that believing in Christ bringing restoration to the heart. Locals in past AE missions e.g. to Accra in Ghana are frequently shocked and then intrigued by AE’s city cleaning. Missioners then have the opportunity to explain the Gospel. One mission volunteer put it like this,
“Once our hearts were as dirty as the rubbish in the streets – but Christ still loves us, and came to cleanse our hearts”.
9 people accepted Christ during the Malindi streets clean up as a result!
Large markets often serve as a dumping ground for rubbish. In Malindi this is no different. People dispose of their rubbish anywhere without regard for the health and wellbeing of others. A local survey taken in early 2017 revealed that some parts of the city were lacking in basic hygiene facilities. AE sprang to action and constructed a toilet for a local community in need. This important gift will be followed up with community hygiene training and bedbug fumigation post mission.
On Monday, the mission volunteers will be sent out into the streets to minister in marketplaces, prisons, businesses and many more locations. There will also be evening rallies in various areas across the city. Please pray for the city of Malindi, that its people that will hear the Gospel this week and their hearts will be transformed by the power of the Gospel.
Follow the AE Australia Facebook page for more updates.