
The independent nation of Malawi came into political existence in 1964, after British colonial power withdrew from Nyasaland. It is a land of great natural beauty in South East Africa, with Lake Malawi taking up much of the east, great mountains and valleys that form part of the Great Rift Valley as well as numerous endemic flora and fauna species. Malawi relies heavily on agriculture, with a majority of the population living in rural areas. Tobacco is a key export. Malawi has had an extremely young population and problematic population density with over 65% of the population being under the age of 25.
Since 1964, Malawi, surrounded by Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, has struggled. Political corruption and natural disasters such as floods and drought wreak havoc on crops. Other national issues surround the use of land for agricultural amidst significant population growth, as well as corruption and an ever present HIV/AIDS presence.
Quick Stats
Location: Southern Africa
Surface Area: 118,484 km2
Population: 18.5 million
Major Cities: Lilongwe 1.07 million, Blantyre 1.06, Zomba 101,140
Major Languages: Chinyanja, Chiyao, Chitumbuka, Chilomwe, Chinkhonde, Chingoni, Chisena, Chitonga, Chinyakyusa, Chilambya
Colonial History: Under United Kingdom rule
Official Language: English
Team Leader: Enoch Phiri
Enoch has been working alongside African Enterprise since 1983, catching the vision to evangelise the cities of Africa with AE during the African spiritual revival of the 1970s and 1980s. Prior to working with AE, Enoch spent 22 years with World Vision as a Christian Witness Coordinator. Enoch is both a passionate and formidable speaker, who evangelises regularly on AE missions throughout the African continent as well as on global tours. He has a passion to see lives transformed in Malawi. Current projects in Malawi include a Vocational Skills Training Project and a Women’s Rehabilitation and Retraining Centre at Lilongwe.

Youth are the future of Africa, and it is essential that effective youth discipleship and empowerment programs are part of our mission strategy. The Foxfire Team is the youth arm of African Enterprise’s evangelistic and mission activities. Teams are made up of young people, with a passion for evangelism, who give a year of their lives to the service of the Kingdom. The year begins with two months of intensive training before they are released into ministry. Foxfires then visit schools, youth groups, churches, children’s homes and colleges in and around the cities in which they are based. Using energetic and exciting dance and drama programs to attract and connect with the youth, the Foxfires bring the Gospel message to young people and are able to speak to them as one young person to another.
Women’s Rehabilitation at Lilongwe
Since 2003, African Enterprise Malawi has been running a beautifully transformative program restoring hope and peace to women in the capital city of Lilongwe. Many women are former prostitutes, have been thrown out of home or been victims of neglect or domestic abuse. Others are young girls who have had to drop out of school to care for relatives, or because of there is not enough money to support their education. All of them need love, care and support. These women are taught skills like dressmaking, home design and management, cooking and about the love of Jesus. For six months, in a fully funded residential program the women are trained and grow in a safe community. Many begin to regain a sense of self-worth and empowerment through optional counselling. When they leave the program, the women are gifted a sewing machine by AE Malawi to take their new skills out into their communities. They are equipped with skills to care for their families, start businesses and make a positive difference to the communities they return to. Each year 40 women are mentored and trained through this program.